Mengzhao Wang

Mengzhao Wang

PhD candidate

Zhejiang University


I am currently a second-year Ph.D. student in the College of Computer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University. My research interests include high-dimensional data storage, retrieval, and their applications in large language models (LLMs).

My current research focuses on the following topics:

  • Graph-based vector indexing and retrieval algorithms
  • Complex query processing in high-dimensional data
  • Vector database and its applications in large language models


  • [2024.05] One demo paper is accepted by VLDB 2024!
  • [2023.11] One paper is accepted by SIGMOD 2024!
  • [2023.11] One paper is accepted by ICDE 2024!
  • [2023.09] One paper is accepted by NeurIPS 2023!
  • [2022.03] One paper is released in arXiv!
  • [2021.07] One paper is accepted by Knowledge-Based Systems!
  • [2021.06] One paper is accepted by VLDB 2021!

Invited Talks

  • Vector Databases: Index Layout and Search Optimizations on SSD, Baidu, 2024.06.
  • High-Dimensional Vector Similarity Search, Huawei (Hangzhou Research Inst.), 2023.12.
  • Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search with Attribute Constraint, Huawei (MRC, Germany), 2023.11.
  • Research on Large-Scale High-Dimensional Vector Processing, Alibaba DAMO Academy, 2023.11.
  • Graph-Based Multi-Vector Search and GPU Acceleration, Datawhale, 2023.03.
  • Graph-Based Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search: An Experimental Study, Zilliz, 2021.09.


More »

  • SIGMOD Student Travel Award, 2024.
  • SIGMOD Student Programming Contest Finalist, 2024.
  • Outstanding Master’s Thesis of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou Dianzi University, 2023.
  • Outstanding Graduate of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou Dianzi University, 2022.
  • National Scholarship for Graduate Student, Hangzhou Dianzi University, 2021.
  • First Prize of Academic Scholarship, Hangzhou Dianzi University, 2021.
  • First Prize of Academic Scholarship, Hangzhou Dianzi University, 2020.

